Tuesday, June 19, 2007

P-A-R-T-WHY?! Because I gotta!

So yesterday, I was invited to a party by one of the girls (Jessica Romano) that works with me at Rob's Market (the extremely well-kept grocery market in the Mountain View Plaza in Hallstead, PA). While I wasn't big on hanging out with everyone I work with, I ended up going with my buddy Chris to "make an appearance." While the visit started with some trepidation, I went into full party mode as soon as I got there. I mingled with everyone, jumped on Jessica's trampoline, played volleyball, shot some hoops, hosed down a few folks with a garden hose when they were least expecting it, swam in the pool (where many chicken fights were had), and just got plain ole blitzed on Coors and Michelob light (plus I played "flip-cup" and found out that I'm pretty good at the game!). It was an amazingly fun time, and it was good to cut loose because I rarely get the chance. (I can count the number of times I've gotten drunk on one hand. Sad but true.)

So today there's not really an aftermath. I didn't fall off the trampoline and break a bone, I didn't have a hangover (though one started to creep up on me when I got home last night), but damn my shoulders are sore as hell from picking people up and throwing them in the pool, and from carrying around guys and gals alike during chicken fights.

Well, with all the partying out of my system its back to the grindstone, as I'll be heading to work in a bit. The end of the month is approaching very rapidly, so I need to get my butt in gear and start on my next TWO new reviews for "The Host" and "Transformers: The Movie."

So, have a good afternoon, good evening, and good night b-movie fans! I'll blog ya later!

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