Monday, September 10, 2007

AH! Amazon aStore trouble!

I was having some trouble with my Amazon aStore tonight while trying to update it for this week's cult DVD releases. For some reason, I could not remove any of the DVDs I added last week to the main page. Frustrated I ended up deleting my main page/category which resulted in the deletion of all the painstakingly created sections of my little DVD store! ARRRGH!

So now I'm going to slowly rebuild my DVD shop and act a bit carefully the next time I experience any quirks with the Amazon aStore website. Currently this week's HUGE list of genre releases is up, as well as a page to PRE-ORDER some of the more highly anticipated cult movie releases in the digital format. (A quick note for Amazon aStore users, apparently there is no longer a 54 product limit in each aStore section as my main page holds SEVENTY-THREE items! Finally, Amazon is getting its act together!)

Also, I'm nearly done with my review for "Island Claws" and plan on uploading that bad boy either tomorrow night or Wednesday night. It took me a day or two to get in my groove, but the words were flowing smoothly today so the review will be done very soon. After that I'll be finishing up my "Space Amoeba" review, and will then move on to "Beware! The Blob." I know this is all old news, but I just like to keep everyone posted on my progress.

G'night everybody!

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