Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pre-winter clean-up at the Vault.

I spent most of my day off today doing work on the Vault and I've tidied the place up a lot. The main pages are now less cluttered (the B-Movie News and Rumors section is now gone), and I've deleted all the dead links to my older reviews in the archives. The site definitely looks a lot better if I may say so.

Now my main quest is to complete my "Ernest Scared Stupid" review, write up two or three capsule reviews (for the now uploaded, but empty Capsule Reviews page), and just keep things going. The next two months are going to be crazy for me at work (ugh, I hate the Christmas season.... why can't I just give someone a hug, handshake, or kiss as a X-mas present?! lol) so my updates are going to be even more sporadic than usual.

Well that's all I wanted to tell you. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around and that I don't intend on quitting work on the Vault any time soon. G-Fan Central though.... is another story. Seeing as how I'm wholly preoccupied with the B-Movie Film Vault, I decided to remove any and all links to G-Fan Central for the time being. The site is still hiding on the web, and it shall remain hidden until I decide what to do with it. Should I let my seemingly unkillable Godzilla website rot away on my hard drive? Or should I put a little time into it and getting back up and running again? I just don't know.

Good night b-movie fans, I'll blog ya later!

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